Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Next step is to find a color that would closely match the filming miniature,and looking at the hobby paints available,I decided to go outside the hobby for a match.I am a big proponent of using products made specific for models and model making,but with one caveat,if you cant find what you need in those products then look outside the hobby.I took a part of my Aurora/Monogram Flying Sub to my local Home Depot,and found a color that closely matched my part and the color of the shells on the new model.RUST-OLEUM Painter's Touch Gloss,has a color named Marigold.It matches the plastic color of the shells that you cant tell the painted part from the plastic!A few light coats about a half hour apart,and a final wet coat and it was done.Note:I glued the window part to the bottom shell piece,so that i could lift the top shell off to display the interior.The docking ring and stripe color was chosen from the Testors Model Masters Enamel line:Ford&GM Engine Blue,which seems right to me.


Rich Lenoce said...

Great job. It's very impressive. I'm building mine now and got the Rustoleum marigold paint. It looks like you put a gloss clear coat over it...can I ask what type?

Alexander Rivera said...

No gloss coat was used on this model yet,if I do clear coat it will be satin clear acrylic by krylon.

Rich Lenoce said...

Thanks for the tip on the Satin. Question, I am painting the hull now and am following your advise to paint the blue first, then the yellow. However, I cant find a picture of the bottom fins--did you paint the entire fin blue or did you do like the top fin and paint the lower fin with a straight line, even with the lowest part of the hull.